Friday, November 29, 2013


It's been a little hectic the last couple of weeks with the holidays approaching. I've been busy making new things for shows, designing some custom pieces with my new CAD skills, and plus my day job has been a little cray cray. I'm trying to keep it all together and just get through these last few weeks and then it's VACATION.

Here's a few snapshots of what's been going on:

Like last holiday, I will be participating in the Chicago Winter Renegade Show. Please come say hi if you're in town!
Once that's over with, I will be taking a much needed mini hiatus. I'll try and stop in before the year's end and do a Renegade recap as usual. But if y'all don't hear from me, I hope everyone has a magical holiday and remembers all the great things we all have accomplished this year.

I put up my Xmas tree already :) Can you tell I'm ready for holiday vacation??

P.S. I do stay pretty active on instagram so if you're ever dying for some Tytin Jewelry updates, follow me there! 

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